Safe is an upcoming crime thriller movie written and directed by Boaz Yakin. The story centers on a former elite agent who rescues a young Chinese girl and falls foul of the Triads, Russian mafia and corrupt New York authorities when they find a safe-cracking combination. Actor Jason Statham got the lead role as the elite agent. The film will likely be released end of 2011.
Here's a first look at Jason Statham in the movie Safe:
(Click on the picture to enlarge.)
"A former elite agent (Jason Statham) encounters and rescues a twelve year-old Chinese girl who's been abducted by the Triads. Armed with a safe-cracking combination, they find themselves in the middle of a stand off between Triads, the Russian Mafia and high level corrupt New York City politicians and police."
Yet another action movie starring Jason Statham. Well, sign me up!
Anyway, more details about the movie Safe soon!